

  • IMAC covers a wide range of research of engineering fields,more than 100 laboratories in 5 directions.
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      Mechanical Systems
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      Aerospace Engineering
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      Mechanical/Biomedical Engineering
  • IMAC students come from all over the world, creating a multicultural and global learning atmosphere.
  • IMAC–U has been opened to Japanese students since 2017, as the first full English medium international students–Japanese students co-study engineering program in Japan.

Outline of International Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering Course (IMAC)

International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course, IMAC, is a fully English taught engineering degree program organized by the division of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Tohoku University. It has the Undergraduate Course, PDFIMAC-U (Bachelor Degree), and the Graduate Course, PDFIMAC-G (Master's and Doctoral Degree).
The educational goals are to foster richly creative individuals who can think originally and will lead the development and innovation of science and technology in the 21st century based on a broad perspective and deep knowledge of humans and nature. IMAC pursues the creation of science and technology which make peoples' lives better, and the globalized education through exchange with students from various countries. Prospective students will have excellent opportunities to study fundamental engineering and conduct cutting-edge research, as well as train their international sense, under the supervision of top-level researchers.

Who should enroll in IMAC ?

  • I'm interested in Mechanical Engineering-related fields and Japan.
  • I want to study in a high-level education and research environment.
  • I want to study in Japan, but I'm not very good at Japanese.
  • I want to get academic or research positions in the world.
  • I cannot speck Japanese.
  • I want to be employed by a Japanese company.
  • I want to go back to my home country with knowledge studied in Japan. (Application to Global Entrance Examination I and II)
  • I have Japanese nationality and meet the applicant requirements.
  • Application to Global Entrance Examination I and II

Road map of IMAC
